Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam.
Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam.
Allison Shelley and Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images
  • Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene says she has 'common ground' with the Nation of Islam on several issues.
  • The National of Islam is a Black nationalist group with a history of anti-Semitic and anti-LGBTQ positions.
  • Greene said she agree with their stances on Ivermectin, child COVID vaccines, the media, and more.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene – the controversial, far-right Georgia congresswoman who lost her committee assignments earlier this year for endorsing political violence – just wrote a 17-tweet long Twitter thread that outlined several areas of "common ground" between her and the Nation of Islam.

"One of the benefits as a Member of Congress is visiting different types government facilities to provide oversight," she wrote on Twitter. "On my recent visit to the DC Jail one of the things I picked up was some religious material."

Greene visited January 6 rioters in jail last Thursday, claiming they were being "tortured" and re-educated to "denounce the president that they love."

Greene said that prisoners are offered "religious material," choosing between "Christain [sic] and Islam," and said that she saw newspapers operated by the Nation of Islam, a Black nationalist organization designated as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, distributed to some prisoners. "I feel it's important to know what people read and are subjected to while in jail," she wrote.

The Georgia congresswoman went on to post several photos of newspapers that she says she saw in the jail, highlighting articles about COVID-19 and the media in which she says she saw "common ground."

"I also found out that the Nation of Islam sees the use and benefit of Ivermectin and is very angry that our media, Democrats, and Dr Fauci have attacked the drug," she wrote on Twitter. "We have common ground there."

"The Nation of Islam is very against children being given the #COVID19 vaccines. More common ground," she said. "Children should NOT be taking covid vaccines, as all data shows they are hardly at risk."

COVID-19 vaccines became available to children ages 5-11 this week, and there is no evidence to suggest that they are harmful to children.

The Nation of Islam is a fringe religious movement founded in the 1930s that advocates for Black nationalism and separatism, including a prohibition on interracial marriage. Rep. Greene's office did not respond for a request for comment on whether or not the congresswoman is aware of NOI's status as a hate group, or why she chose to publicly highlight commonalities with them.

Greene shared a photo of an article rife with anti-Semitic language called "Stop leading Black people to Covid-19 vaccine slaughter!" saying that it was "problematic for [a] party of identity politics." The article began by touting a book called "The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Volume 2: How Jews Gained Control of the Black American Economy."

"The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan pointed out to Black leaders that so-called Jews have always been successful in pitting us against each other," read the article, which went on to refer to Black leaders who have encouraged people to get vaccinated against COVID-19 as "house servants."

She went on to favorably share a photo of another article, praising the group for calling out "Propaganda Media," and again saying that this sentiment represented "common ground."

The congresswoman went on to state that she was "wholeheartedly thankful to be" a Christian and is "strongly opposed to radical Islam."

"Learning how opposed the Nation of Islam is to the #COVID19 vaccines, & already knowing how many Christians oppose the vaccines, we MUST ensure that Religious Exemptions are allowed for Vaccine Mandates," she wrote. "All vaccine mandates must end & children shouldn't be vaxxed."

Greene said that the Nation of Islam newspapers weren't found in the "Patriot Wing" with the January 6 rioters. "Most of them have Bibles and pray and do Bible study daily," she wrote. She also claimed that rioters were being denied services like "Haircuts, shaving, communion, chapel and more" due to refusing the COVID-19 vaccine.

"They are given Nair to chemically burn off hair," she wrote, saying that her office would be writing a report about her visit to the jail and that she would be going on Tucker Carlson's Fox News show tonight to "talk about our federal government's communist style political war against Americans."

Read the original article on Business Insider